The Programme

The Programme supports regional cooperation between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia. The Programme’s overall objective is to enhance territorial cohesion by improving living standards and employment opportunities holding respect to the environment and by using the natural resources for upgrading of the tourism product. 

The “HealthNET” project

The cross-border area is a rather rural area including remote villages with difficult access to large urban centers where health-care units exist. As a result, the rural population does not receive primary healthcare services.


LB Municipality of Irakleia

Bakogianni Square 2, Iraklia, Serres PC 62400 ΤEL. 2325350109 Fax. 2325350159 Email

PB2 The National Centre "Demokritos"

Patriarxou Grigoriou E kai Neapoleos 27, Agia Paraskeui, Attiki PC 15310 ΤEL. 2106503004 Fax 2106514116

PB3 Municipality of Novo Selo

Str. Manush Turnovski #13A, Novo Selo Τηλ. 00389 34 355 202 Fax 00389 34 355 702 Email

PB4 Youth Association FENIKS Novo Selo

Tsar Samuil #18, PC 2434, Novo Selo Τηλ. 00 389 78 266 538 Fax 00 389 34 355 702 Email

The project “HealthNET” co-funded by the European Union and national funds of the participating countries

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